Let’s not forget, COVID-19 is not over yet. Wherever you are, make sure you take necessary precautions to stay safe from COVID-19.
Wear your face-cover/mask, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water and maintain distance of 6 feet from others.
Encourage your friends and family to follow COVID Appropriate Behaviours . Do your bit to break the transmission.
Basic information to prevent covid-19
- Washing your Hands Regularly can do to slow the spread
- Checking symptoms Frequently
- Taking care of your mental health
- Important Phone Numbers for COVID-19 support
More Guide information and resources
One of the way to beat COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. It is safe and effective, with no known serious side effects. Please get yourself vaccinated when it’s your turn. A vaccine is introduced only after thorough testing. After vaccination you may get minor side effects like cold and fever, which is absolutely normal. It indicates that your body is building immunity. Pill Advice for vulnerable people or those with pre-existing conditions Be SAFE from coronavirus if you are 60+ or if you have an underlying health pre-condition like: Cardio vascular disease, Respiratory condition, Diabetes Even after COVID19 vaccination, do not forget to follow COVID Appropriate Behaviour to ensure your safety and safety of your family. Be Safe by Social Distancing & avoiding people who are sick, even at home. If you have mild symptoms of COVID19, be a hero and stay at home. Most people with COVID-19 get mild symptoms and recover on their own. But if your symptoms become more serious, seek medical help immediately. Keep yourself, your family and your community safe by learning the symptoms of COVID19 so you know how to act if someone gets sick. If you have mild symptoms you should stay at home whilst you recover.