How to Add Robots.txt for Blogger SEO

Flip Bazaar

 How to Add Robots.txt for Blogger SEO

How to Add Robots.txt for Blogger SEO

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Robots.txt
  3. Why Robots.txt is Important for SEO
  4. Creating a Robots.txt File for Blogger
    • 4.1. Accessing Blogger Dashboard
    • 4.2. Navigating to the "Settings" Tab
    • 4.3. Locating the "Search preferences" Section
    • 4.4. Customizing the Robots.txt File
  5. Checking the Validity of Robots.txt
  6. Best Practices for Robots.txt
    • 6.1. Use Disallow Directive Wisely
    • 6.2. Allow Crawl Delay for Large Websites
    • 6.3. Test Robots.txt with Google Search Console
    • 6.4. Keep Robots.txt File Updated
  7. Robots.txt Mistakes to Avoid
    • 7.1. Blocking Essential Pages
    • 7.2. Allowing Sensitive Information
    • 7.3. Using Incorrect Syntax
    • 7.4. Ignoring Crawl Budget
  8. Impact of Robots.txt on SEO
  9. Advanced Techniques for Robots.txt
    • 9.1. Using Wildcards
    • 9.2. Handling Multiple User-agents
    • 9.3. Managing Sitemap References
  10. Common FAQs About Robots.txt
    • 10.1. What is the Purpose of Robots.txt?
    • 10.2. Can Robots.txt Completely Hide a Website?
    • 10.3. How Often Should I Update Robots.txt?
    • 10.4. Are There Alternatives to Robots.txt?
    • 10.5. Can Robots.txt Affect Website Rankings?


When it comes to optimizing your Blogger website for search engines, understanding how to use Robots.txt effectively is crucial. Robots.txt is a text file that instructs search engine crawlers on which pages or parts of your website to crawl and index. By properly configuring your Robots.txt file, you can ensure that search engines efficiently navigate your site, resulting in better SEO performance. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding Robots.txt to your Blogger platform to boost your website's SEO.

Understanding Robots.txt

Robots.txt is a protocol used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other automated agents, such as search engine bots. The file is placed in the root directory of your website and contains directives that tell crawlers which pages to crawl and which to avoid. By managing crawl access, you can enhance the efficiency of search engine indexing and improve your website's visibility in search results.

Why Robots.txt is Important for SEO

A well-optimized Robots.txt file plays a pivotal role in SEO. By blocking access to irrelevant or sensitive parts of your website, you prevent search engines from wasting their crawl budget on non-essential content. This allows them to focus on indexing your most valuable pages, leading to better rankings. Properly configuring Robots.txt also helps in preventing duplicate content issues and keeping sensitive data out of search results.

Creating a Robots.txt File for Blogger Click this Link

To Add a Robots.txt file for your Blogger website, follow these simple steps below:

4.1. Accessing Blogger Dashboard

Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the Blogger dashboard.

4.2. Navigating to the "Settings" Tab

Locate the "Settings" tab on the left-hand side of the Blogger dashboard and click on it.

4.3. Locating the "Search preferences" Section

In the "Settings" menu, find and click on the "Search preferences" section.

How to Add Robots.txt for Blogger SEO

4.4. Customizing the Robots.txt File

Scroll down to the "Crawlers and indexing" section, where you will find the "Custom robots.txt" option. Click on "Edit" and enter the necessary directives for your Robots.txt file.

How to Add Robots.txt for Blogger SEO

Checking the Validity of Robots.txt

After creating your Robots.txt file, it's essential to ensure its validity. Several online tools can help you verify if there are any syntax errors or issues with your Robots.txt file. Google Search Console also provides a "Robots.txt Tester" feature to check if the directives are correctly set.

Best Practices for Robots.txt

To make the most out of your Robots.txt file, consider implementing these best practices:

6.1. Use Disallow Directive Wisely

Avoid using excessive Disallow directives, as it may inadvertently block essential pages from being crawled and indexed.

6.2. Allow Crawl Delay for Large Websites

If you have a large website, consider adding a crawl delay directive to prevent overwhelming your server with multiple simultaneous requests.

6.3. Test Robots.txt with Google Search Console

Regularly test your Robots.txt file using the "Robots.txt Tester" feature in Google Search Console to identify and resolve any potential crawl issues.

6.4. Keep Robots.txt File Updated

As your website evolves, update your Robots.txt file accordingly to reflect any changes in page structure or content.

Robots.txt Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes in your Robots.txt file can have unintended consequences on your website's SEO. Avoid the following common errors:

7.1. Blocking Essential Pages

Ensure that you do not accidentally block critical pages like your homepage or important category pages from search engine crawlers.

7.2. Allowing Sensitive Information

Be cautious not to permit crawlers to access sensitive pages containing personal information or private data.

7.3. Using Incorrect Syntax

Any syntax errors in your Robots.txt file can lead to misinterpretation by search engines, affecting your website's indexing.

7.4. Ignoring Crawl Budget

Failing to optimize your Robots.txt file can lead to search engine bots wasting valuable crawl budget on irrelevant content.

Impact of Robots.txt on SEO

A well-optimized Robots.txt file can positively impact your website's SEO by allowing search engine crawlers to efficiently index your content. This results in better visibility, increased organic traffic, and potentially higher rankings on search engine result pages.

Advanced Techniques for Robots.txt

If you want to take your Robots.txt file to the next level, consider implementing these advanced techniques:

9.1. Using Wildcards

Utilize wildcards like asterisks (*) to handle multiple URL patterns efficiently.

9.2. Handling Multiple User-agents

Customize directives for different user-agents, such as Googlebot and Bingbot, to provide specific instructions to each crawler.

9.3. Managing Sitemap References

Include sitemap references in your Robots.txt file to help search engines discover and index new pages on your website.

Common FAQs About Robots.txt

10.1. What is the Purpose of Robots.txt?

Robots.txt serves as a communication tool between website owners and search engine crawlers, guiding crawlers on which pages to crawl and index.

10.2. Can Robots.txt Completely Hide a Website?

No, Robots.txt can't completely hide a website from search engines, but it can prevent certain pages from being indexed.

10.3. How Often Should I Update Robots.txt?

Regularly review and update your Robots.txt file whenever you make significant changes to your website's structure or content.

10.4. Are There Alternatives to Robots.txt?

Yes, there are other methods like meta tags and HTTP headers, but Robots.txt remains a widely used and effective method.

10.5. Can Robots.txt Affect Website Rankings?

Yes, an incorrectly configured Robots.txt file can negatively impact your website's rankings if it blocks essential pages or allows access to sensitive information.


Adding Robots.txt to your Blogger website is a fundamental step in optimizing your SEO efforts. By understanding how to create and configure this essential file properly, you can direct search engine crawlers to the most valuable parts of your site, resulting in improved rankings and increased organic traffic. Remember to follow best practices and avoid common mistakes to make the most out of your Robots.txt file.

More FAQs

What is the purpose of Robots.txt?

The purpose of Robots.txt is to instruct web crawlers and search engine bots on which parts of a website they are allowed to access and index.

Can Robots.txt completely hide a website?

No, Robots.txt can't completely hide a website. It only informs search engines and other bots about the parts they should not crawl, but it doesn't prevent direct access to those pages by users or malicious bots.

How often should I update Robots.txt?

The frequency of updating Robots.txt depends on changes to your website's content and access permissions. It's best to update it whenever there are significant alterations to ensure proper indexing and crawling.

Are there alternatives to Robots.txt?

Yes, there are alternatives to Robots.txt, such as using meta tags like "noindex" and "nofollow," and employing X-Robots-Tag HTTP header directives to control crawler behavior.

Can Robots.txt affect website rankings?

Yes, Robots.txt can indirectly affect website rankings. If it blocks important content from being indexed, it may impact the website's visibility in search engine results. Ensuring the right pages are accessible to search engines is crucial for better rankings.

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